"One Shameful Day" is an interactive web series based on reenactments of true embarrassing stories.  At the end of each episode viewers are asked to submit their own embarrassing story for a chance to have it reenacted in an episode. The series won the "LA Comedy Festival" for best non-episodic web series in 2013 and the episode "Wax Wiggles" made the short list at the "Tres Court International Film Festival" in Paris. I wrote, directed, edited, and produced the series and will be filming new episodes soon. 






"Opening Up" is a short in which I wrote, directed, and acted in. It was an official selection of the "Hollywood Short Film Festival" where I was nominated for best actress and won and IndieFest award of merit.


 "Get Crackin" is my latest web series in which I wrote, directed, and acted in. It stars myself and Holly Mandel of The Groundlings.